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View Binding in Android Tutorial

View Binding in Android Tutorial

Hey Techoz, Hope you are rocking with your computers in the digital world! Well, today we will be discussing about one of the most interesting topic which is view Binding in android app tutorial.

Why use View Binding in our android application?

View Binding library:

These above points help us to understand how much benefit we can achieve by using view binding library in our android app. Again, while we start working on this view binding in android tutorial, things will get more clear.

Before moving to the implementation, have a look at what we are going to build.



Seems interesting? Lets go to build it!

If you would prefer video tutorial, then you can watch the below video for View Binding in Android Tutorial:

Initial setup

To use View Binding in android app, we don’t need much complicated setup. Just go to your module-level build.gradle file and inside the android tag, paste the following code as follows:

android {
    buildFeatures {
        viewBinding true

After this, sync the project, the syncing time will take as per the project size. During this time, the compiler will create separate java file for each of the layout files we have in the project. For this view binding in android tutorial project, it will create binding file for activity_main.xml file.

The View Binding in android follows some naming conventions while creating auto-generated files. It follows the camel case pattern for the layout file name and then suffixed by ‘Binding’ keyword. For ouractivity_main.xml, it will file.

Now, what’s inside the Binding file?

The auto-generated binding file contains the references for all the views inside each layout file. For ex. in our layout file, we have a button with an id as ‘btn_submit’, then it will be referenced in the binding file as ‘btnSubmit’, and that’s how we can refer them from our code.

Build the layout

Let’s build the view in activity_main.xml file with the following code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:hint="Enter the text here..."
        app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/title" />

        app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/enter_text_field" />

        android:hint="Entered text appears here..."

        android:text="Technopoints View Binding Tutorial"


The above layout will build the UI as shown above. We don’t have to do anything special in the layout file for view binding.

Implement View Binding in android app

Now go to ActivityMain.kt file and use the following code inside it.

package com.example.viewbindingtutorial

import android.os.Bundle
import com.example.viewbindingtutorial.databinding.ActivityMainBinding

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    lateinit var binding : ActivityMainBinding
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)

        binding.submitButton.setOnClickListener {
            binding.showText.text = binding.enterTextField.text

Wondering what the code is? Don’t worry dude, I am here to explain! 😄

Here at first we are declaring a variable binding as type of ActivityMainBinding. Android studio will give you this name in the suggestions list because though we haven’t created this class, android studio automatically created this class for us. And then we are initializing the binding with the static method inflate() inside the binding class and pass the layout inflater as a parameter. Now, we can use this binding variable to reference all the views which are in the layout file.

In the setContentView method, we generally see our layout file is passed as a parameter. But in case of View Binding, we pass it in another way like shown in the above code. Actually, the binding.root itself returns the layout xml file associated with that binding class. (You can try ctrl + clicking on the root and see it navigates to activity_main.xml)

Lastly, we are using the binding to call setOnClickListener on the submit button and inside it, assigning the value in the EditText to the TextView. Now try running the app. The app is simple but the change is in logic we are implementing in this view binding in android tutorial.

The view binding library in android is powerful due to some of the great features it provides like it eliminates the need for calling findViewById() method every time the view needs to be referenced. Also, it prevents us to call null references which avoids NullReferenceException.

That’s all friends, about view binding in android app. If you have any doubts in the above implementation, feel free to ask in the comments section below. I will try my best to answer those. If you want want to jump directly to the implementation, feel free to directly download the source code from the github link below.

Download Source Code

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